Thursday, July 24, 2008

Does McCain equate Iraq with Vietnam?

I do not doubt the sincerity of Senator McCain when he addresses issues about Iraq. However, his recent confusion about time lines of events, his attempt to rewrite recent history and his obsession with the 'Surge' cannot be explained by his age alone. A latest example is his statement which suggested that Iraq was the first major foreign military intervention by the US since 9/11, ignoring that we went after the Taliban in Afghanistan soon after that tragic event.

I have started to believe that Senator McCain, having lived through and participated in the Vietnam war, is perhaps seeing the events in Iraq as being similar to the ones in the South East Asian theater. Although he has served the country with honor and integrity, I think he is anxious that we do not 'cut-and-run', like we did in Vietnam, and be forever embarrased about it.

This, to me, explains why he is continuing to dwell on this issue even though he doesn't have to prove his credentials on foreign policy and security management for this election. What he should be trying to do is to define himself as someone who can tackle the economic pains of the public, but his obseesion with the 'Surge', because of its parallels with Vietnam in his opinion, is making him see the world with a jaundiced eye.

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