Saturday, July 26, 2008

McCain agreeing with Obama?

When Obama said that we need to augment the troop levels in Afghanistan by at least two brigades, McCain countered that we should send three.

Now that al-Maliki has agreed with Obama - in an interview with Der Spiegel - that the plan of troop withdrawn over 16 months is very workable, McCain has thrown his hat in the ring too.

Last Friday in an interview on CNN's 'Situation Room', McCain endorsed this plan, saying that he thinks "it’s a pretty good timetable”, in response to a question from Wolf Blizter.

McCain has strongly opposed setting a timetable for withdrawal and has criticized Obama for suggesting one. However, he has been inching closer to Obama's position since he stated that our troops will be in Iraq for a 100 years.

In a speech in Ohio in May, he declared that most American troops would be home by 2013, the end of his first term. On Monday, in remarks at the side of the first President George Bush in Kennebunkport, ME., he embraced the possibility of withdrawing most American troops by the end of 2010. This is the timetable demanded by the Iraqi government and declared by Obama.

One of McCain's unassailable strengths is his 'judgment' on matters of war. It is shocking to see Obama encroaching on that turf and forcing McCain to play defense.

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