Wednesday, July 23, 2008

McCain revises defenition of 'Surge'; Closer to Obama's now?

Senator Obama has said that the success attributed to the escalation of troops (the Surge) in Iraq has many other components as well, like the 'Sunni Awakening' in Anbar province, the Iraqi government going after the militas and the standing down by the Sadr army, which have collectively helped to decrease violence in Iraq. Senator McCain derided him for not recognizing the success of the 'Surge', without which the 'Awakening' could not have come to pass. According to McCain, the 'Awakening' started after "Colonel Macfarlane was contacted by one of the major Sunni Shieks".

When it was pointed out to him that the 'Awakening' actually started in August 2006, while the 'Surge' was not even ordered until January 2007 and was in full force only by July 2007 (10 months after the 'Awakening'), he redefined the 'Surge. He now says that the 'Surge' is not merely an escalation of forces (which he had the foresight to recommend), but a "conterinsurgency strategy and is made up of a number of components" set in motion "by General MacFarlane on his own". "When I visited Iraq in December 2006", the General "had already initiated this strategy". He added that the General "told me that that strategy, which is quote the 'Surge', part of the 'Surge', would be successful".

Come again? Are you 'refining' your understanding of the 'Surge', Senator? In English, a 'Surge' merely means an increase, period. This word was chosen because the White House did not want to imply the obvious that this escalation of forces is an indication of an escalation of invomvement by the US in Iraq.

In addition, McCain claimed that "because of the 'Surge', we were able to go out and protect that Sheik and others...". Sadly, this particular Sheik was assasinated in September 2007, when the 'Surge' was at its peak.

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