Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The McCain Nation

Jerome Corsi, who Swift-boated John Kerry as co-author of "Unfit to Command" in 2004, is trying to do the same to Obama in his newly minted best seller, "The Obama Nation."

Corsi's writings have been repeatedly promoted by Sean Hannity on Fox News; Corsi's publisher, Mary Matalin, has praised her author's "scholarship." 
If Republican warriors like Hannity and Matalin think so highly of Corsi's research into Obama, then perhaps we should take seriously Corsi's scholarship about McCain.
In recent articles at worldnetdaily.com, Corsi has claimed (among other charges) that the McCain campaign received "strong" financial support from a "group tied to Al Qaeda" and that "McCain's personal fortune traces back to organized crime in Arizona."
His charges against Bush and Cheney go much further; he wants them impeached. Here's a video of his speech:

He has made other interesting comments, such as in a January 29, 2008,  interview with a conspiracy-minded radio host when Corsi said the US government wasn't telling the whole truth about what happened at the World Trade Center during 9/11. Corsi gives much credence to the claim by physicist Steven Jones who claims the towers exploded because of explosives inside the building.

"World Trade Center dust forms the iron sphere that can only be formed at extremely high temperatures," Corsi said, "jet fuel doesn't…The government's explanation of the jet fuel fire is not a sufficient explanation to explain the evidence of these spheres – these microscopic spheres – that Steven Jones has proved existed within the WTC dust." …

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